Consegna dell'Appello sull'Accoglienza al Parlamento europeo
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- Pubblicato: Giovedì, 29 Agosto 2019 17:32
- Visite: 2158
Verrà consegnato al Parlamento Europeo a Bruxelles il giorno 8 Ottobre 2019, l'appello suill'accoglienza frutto del lavoro del MASCI e FOCSIV.
Questo incontro è un’occasione che sicuramente passerà alla storia del nostro Movimento, ed è frutto di un lavoro costruito nel tempo a partire dalla consegna della Petizione al Parlamento italiano (Ottobre 2016) sui temi dell’accoglienza e dell’inclusione, in collaborazione con l’ISGF e con FOCSIV, ognuno per le proprie competenze e “mission”. Un’azione che nel tempo, i livelli nazionali ed europei delle associazione adulte dello scautismo e di
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- Pubblicato: Mercoledì, 14 Luglio 2021 02:21
- Visite: 1343
The Regional Assembly of MASCI Lazio was held on 3 July 2021 in Latina Scalo. At the Parish of San Giuseppe worker, seat of the Latin community 2, the Adult Scouts of Lazio have elected, practically unanimously, their new Regional Secretary.
Alberto CUCCURU, of the Guidonia 2 Community, receives the baton from Carlo BERTUCCI, outgoing Secretary.
A heartfelt thanks to Alberto, for his availability to the Service that will keep him busy for the next three years, and a warm thanks also to Carlo, for all the work done in the over 6 years of his double mandate.
This year the Light of Bethlehem...
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- Pubblicato: Lunedì, 04 Gennaio 2021 23:19
- Visite: 1354
Will there be no Christmas?
Of course there will be one!
(Javier Leoz
Since 1993, in Italy, the Scouts of all associations are involved in welcoming the Light that comes from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem: from the place where Jesus was born, through many roads, the Light comes to our lifes, a wish and at the same time an invitation to become builders of Peace, solidarity and sharing.
“Peace has resulted, it is a fruit that must be cultivated with patience. It is a goal to be reached with every effort” (Mons. Andrea Ghetti - Baden). We have tried to do this effort!
In this 2020 full of confusion, the Light was perhaps even more awaited than usual. Yet, the pandemic blocked this dear tradition, but at the same time it invited us to reflect more deeply on the sense of fraternity that renews us in Christ, and pushed us to make ourselves Light in our communities.
To live the extraordinary spiritual and community experience of welcoming the Light of Peace even in the covid era, MASCI Lazio has proposed an instrument to the communities and to all the Scout Adults: a booklet that has allowed us to be united, even if “distant”.
So, on the last Sunday of Advent, at our churches or our homes we symbolically brought a light that reached the fourth candle: the Son of God comes into the world to illuminate the life of all. The MASCI Lazio booklet also proposed some reflections and prayers to live this moment also in the family and in the community.
“Peace has resulted, it is a fruit that must be cultivated with patience. It is a goal to be reached with every effort” (Mons. Andrea Ghetti - Baden). We have tried to do this effort!
In this 2020 full of confusion, the Light was perhaps even more awaited than usual. Yet, the pandemic blocked this dear tradition, but at the same time it invited us to reflect more deeply on the sense of fraternity that renews us in Christ, and pushed us to make ourselves Light in our communities.
To live the extraordinary spiritual and community experience of welcoming the Light of Peace even in the covid era, MASCI Lazio has proposed an instrument to the communities and to all the Scout Adults: a booklet that has allowed us to be united, even if “distant”.
So, on the last Sunday of Advent, at our churches or our homes we symbolically brought a light that reached the fourth candle: the Son of God comes into the world to illuminate the life of all. The MASCI Lazio booklet also proposed some reflections and prayers to live this moment also in the family and in the community.
You stay with us,
and we will begin to shine as you shine:
to shine until it is light for others.
The light, oh Jesus, will come all from you ...
(John Henry Newman)
and we will begin to shine as you shine:
to shine until it is light for others.
The light, oh Jesus, will come all from you ...
(John Henry Newman)
Inspired by these words and by the spirit of the Movement, some communities have gone further and created other ways to “be together” and exchange the Light: webinars, video calls, videos, photo albums of past events. The Light of Peace has once again proved to be a tradition not to be... extinguished!
Tavolata italiana senza muri
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- Pubblicato: Venerdì, 23 Ottobre 2020 18:05
- Visite: 1329
Since 2018, the "Tavolata italiana senza muri" (italian table without walls), is a symbol: a universal tableful, to reflect together on the opportunity that sharing bread and the choice of more equitable and sustainable lifestyles are the right way to a more inclusive future: a route against consumerism and selfishness.
Also this year the event took place in many cities of Italy. In Rome it was organized on Saturday 26 September 2020, the day before the World Day of Migrants and Refugees and included in the celebrations of the Time of Creation. Together we said NO to all forms of racism even with a flash mob as part of a project funded by the Anti-Racial Discrimination Office of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
This year, in order to counter the Covid-19 pandemic, a 270-meter table was set up along Via della Conciliazione, with St. Peter's Basilica in the background, to accommodate 150 people, inhabitants and not in the Eternal City, supported by 50 MASCI and AGESCI volunteers.
The "Tavolata italiana senza muri" has been promoted in recent editions by 38 national and international associations, Federations and NGOs. This year GCCM - Global Catholic Climate Moviment and the Islamic Cultural Center of Italy have also joined.
The "Tavolata italiana senza muri" has been promoted in recent editions by 38 national and international associations, Federations and NGOs. This year GCCM - Global Catholic Climate Moviment and the Islamic Cultural Center of Italy have also joined.
"The sense of living at the Tavolata italiana senza muri, with the idea of pursuing an in-depth reflection from the last speeches of Pope Francis, on our being in the world as brothers and linked to each other, "all on the same boat", has highlighted the sense of the periphery and the importance of acting in it". Massimiliano Costa, President MASCI.